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Help your clients streamline document management

Launching your own portal enables you to collaborate more closely with your clients and to help them close #compliance loops within their business.

For example, the portal environment is designed to support joined up thinking. Instead of emailing drafted documents to your clients and waiting for them to respond, it's more helpful if those important documents are proactively uploaded to the client's portal account where they can be stored and version managed ready to send to staff.

This will become even more practical when new legislation is introduced in April 2020 requiring employers to provide employees and workers with their statement of terms on day one of starting a new job. The Portal system calls on the client's personnel data and mailmerges it with your drafted documents before sending to employee(s) and storing a copies in the personnel file(s).

A portal account also provides your clients with the option to subscribe to integrated e-signatures which means they can require staff to sign for documents via the portal which helps to streamline the process, cut costs and deliver tangible productivity gains.

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